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The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

ISSN: 2472-7318

Special Issue on Carework and Writing during COVID: Part II, Table of Contents


Edited by Ruth Osorio (Old Dominion University), Vyshali Manivannan (Pace University - Pleasantville), and Jessie Male (University of Pittsburgh)


*All pieces indicated by an asterisk contain a content warning.

Issue 7.1 Introduction

We sorted the pieces into the categories we observed as we prepared for this issue, with feedback from the authors. You’ll notice that some pieces appear in more than one category: that’s because it’s impossible for many of our writers to boil their identities or experiences into just one theme. Each piece begins with content notes, so you can prioritize your comfort when navigating. 


Queer Intimacies and Radical Kinship During Isolation


Homeland and Belonging in the Face of Anti-AAPI Hate


Navigating Loss and Grief


Parenting as (Im)possibility in Impossible Circumstances


Creatively Caring for Self, Others, and Place


Revisionings of Teaching, Facilitation, and Professional Leadership


Visual, Sonic, Tactile, Interactive Texts as Self- and Collective Care


Place-Making and Space-Taking on Social Media


Reflecting on Academic (Over)work and/or Precarity


Transnationalism and Inhabiting Borderlands During the Pandemic


Disability, Illness, and Survival (When the World Doesn’t Want You To)


BIPOC Perspectives on Labor and Love during COVID


Somewhere in Between: Grad Student Perspectives


Writing the Process of Writing


Forging Communal Ties Through Collaborative Writing


Reflecting on and Refusing Racial and/or Gender Inequity


*All pieces indicated by an asterisk contain a content warning.