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The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

ISSN: 2472-7318


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the role of curation in tenure & promotion documentation 

by Seán McCarthy, Lori Beth De Hertogh and Vanessa Rouillon, James Madison University


This webtext explores how curation can be applied to tenure and promotion (T&P) materials in the field of Rhetoric and Composition, specifically for scholars who practice multimodal scholarship in community engagement contexts. The authors argue that as the field embraces curation in socially-engaged work, so too should we bring curation methods to how we assemble our T&P materials/packets/portfolios. The authors theorize curation as a relational activity that suits scholars who practice community engagement; present case studies of their work; and offer recommendations for how Rhetoric and Composition scholars can curate their professional practice. 

Explore The Role of Curation