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The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

ISSN: 2472-7318

Special Issue on Carework and Writing during COVID: Part I, Table of Contents


Edited by Ruth Osorio (Old Dominion University), Vyshali Manivannan (Pace University - Pleasantville), and Jessie Male (University of Pittsburgh)


*All pieces indicated by an asterisk contain a content warning.

Issue Introduction

Parenting and Possibility in Impossible Times


Sick/Disabled Bodyminds during Sick/Disabling Times


As If the Pandemic Wasn’t Enough: Tales of Loss and Grief


Bearing the Weight of Racism through Anti-Racist Work and (Cross-)Racial Solidarity


(De)Constructing Writing


Teaching as Carework, Teaching as Dangerous Work


Queer Responses to the Apocalypse 


Academic Pressures (or Critiques of Neoliberal Horseshit Productivity Expectations, as suggested by Amy Vidali)


Arting/Crafting/Making in a Crisis

Building Community in Isolating Times

*All pieces indicated by an asterisk contain a content warning.