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The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

ISSN: 2472-7318

resolutions (2020)

Magdalena Maczynska

Keywords: parenting, dying parent, writer’s block, anxiety


Categories: Parenting and Possibility in Impossible Times; Sick/Disabled Bodyminds during Sick/Disabling Times; As If the Pandemic Wasn’t Enough: Tales of Loss and Grief; (De)Constructing Writing


Content warning: dying parent



today i will write


today i will finally write


long beautiful coherent pages


let me just calm the panic coiling in my brain

let me just calm the dread rising in my heart

let me just calm the breath straining in my lungs 

and i will write

strong insightful brilliant paragraphs

i just need to fix a sandwich for my child

i just need to fix a Zoom glitch for my child

i just need to fix the world for my child

and then i’ll write

quick astute shattering sentences

let me just make sure my frightened child knows i love her

let me just make sure my dying mother knows i love her

let me just make sure my tired body knows i love her

and i will write

wise powerful indelible words

tomorrow i will write 



Magdalena Maczynska is Associate Professor of English and World Literatures at Marymount Manhattan College. Her areas of research include climate fiction, contemporary urban fiction, and teaching pedagogy. Her scholarly work has been published in Contemporary Literature, ISLE, Journal of Modern Literature, and Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy. She is the author of Gospel According to the Novelist: Religious Scripture and Contemporary Fiction (Bloomsbury, 2015), and is currently working on a series of children’s books promoting attentive affective relationships with the non-human world.