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The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

ISSN: 2472-7318


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JOMR Vol. 2, No. 1

Cultural and Material Matters

Welcome! Here's a brief look at the features in Vol. 2, Issue 1 of JOMR:

 Many birds in black silhouette sit on electrical and telephone wires. The colorful blue cover to Joddy Murray's Non-Discursive Rhetoric book.


Discussions (Articles)

Featuring Alexandra Hidalgo's video on a Cultural Rhetorics approach to memoir, Lucy Johnson's overview of materiality in multimodal scholarship, and Rachael Graham Lusso's analysis of cakes as epideictic rhetoric.





Cody A. Jackson invites us to take another look at Joddy Murray's Non-Discursive Rhetoric and its contributions to multimodal pedagogy, cultural studies, and political rhetoric. 



 A collage of the authors in Issue 2.1. 


Meet the Authors

This page offers brief introductions to our authors for Issue 2.1.



Previous Issue

Take a look at the inaugural issue of JOMR.


For authors interested in submitting to upcoming issues of the journal, instructions can be found here.

Download the entire issue here.